DDJ0492.ZIP [0] Listings from DrDobb's Journal April 92.
DDJ0592.ZIP [0] Code from DrDobb's Journal May 1992 issue.
DDJ0692.ZIP [0] Source code Dr Dobbs.
DDJ0892.ZIP [0] Doctor dobbs journal of software tools august 1992 files.
DDJ87IDX.ZIP [0] DrDobbs Journal Index to listings 1987.
DDJ88IDX.ZIP [0] DrDobbs Journal Index for 1988.
DDJ89IDX.ZIP [0] DrDobbs Journal Index for 1989.
DDJ90IDX.ZIP [0] Index to 1990 Dr. Dobbs Journal source files.
DDJ91IDX.ZIP [0] Index to 1991 Dr. Dobbs Journal source files.
DDJ9205.ZIP [0] Dr. Dobbs' Journal sources for.
PCM_CAT.ZIP [0] This Is A List Of All The Pc Magazine Utilities In The Ci$-ziffnet Software And Utils Directory Through The Issue.
V11N02.ZIP [0] PC Mag utls, vol. 11, #2, issue. Includes PCREMOT2 & the MAPWIN utility for examining DLL's and Windows executables.
V11N03.ZIP [0] PC Mag. and other files).
V11N04.ZIP [0] PC Magazine Utilities-Volume 11 Number 4.
V11N05.ZIP [0] PC Magazine Utilities Vol. 11 #5.
V11N06.ZIP [0] PC Magazine utilities, Volume 11, no 6.
V11N08.ZIP [0] PC Magazine Utilities, Volume 11, no 8.
V11N10.ZIP [0] PC Mag v11n10: SPRINTER - TSR that speeds-up cursor & PgUp/PgDn movement when a user selected accelerator key is pressed simultaneously; BINARY/DLGDEMO/LABEL SAVEMAC/SERTYPE/ STOD/SWAP/WIN/WINMODE;.
V11N11.ZIP [0] PC Magazie Utilities Vol. 11 #11.
V11N12.ZIP [0] PC Mag utils w/src; vol.11,#12; w/WINSTART, WINGO, and MODECHK.
V11N13.ZIP [0] PC-Mag utilities from July '92 issue.
V11N14.ZIP [0] PC Magazine Utilities Vol. 11 #14.
V11N16.ZIP [0] PC Magazine files, which include TOTOP, a Windows utility designed to keep selected windows on top and handy.
V11N17.ZIP [0] PC Magazine utilities, volume 11 no 17.
V11N18.ZIP [0] PC Magazine files. Includes WTIME, a program which synchronizes your PC's clock with the Automatic Computer Time Service.
V11N19.ZIP [0] PC Mag utls w/src, vol.11, #19. Incl. TIME! And the great(!), useful batch file called EXCEPT.BAT allowing you to perform an operation on all files EXCEPT those you specify. Very cleverly done.
V11N20.ZIP [0] PC Magazine Volume 11 Number 20 Programs.
V11N21.ZIP [0] PC Mag utls, vol.11, #21. Incl. MLPRINT.
V11N22.ZIP [0] Pc Mag V11#22: Strings Etc W/asm.
V12N01.ZIP [0] PC Magazine files.
V12N02.ZIP [0] PC Magazine files Feature utility is CHANGER, a Win 3.1 program that will automatically change the look of the desktop everytime you run Windows.
V12N03.ZIP [0] PC Mag utls w/src, vol.12,#3; Incl. RCLICK a new MS-Windows utility with source.
V12N04.ZIP [0] PC Mag V12#04: DEFRAG (yes, Virginia a disk defragger w/complete C source. That's certainly interesting, and I might try it around revision #10) etc. W/src. *Untested* (BACK UP FIRST!).